Fairholme Campground Loop A
There are 17 sites in Loop A at Fairholme Campground. It is wooded, well shaded, adjacent to Lake Crescent, and within walking distance of the boat dock. Registration, rest rooms with flush toilets (no showers), drinking water, trash dumpsters and recycle bins are located on the inside of the loop near site 16. The NPS recommends a maximum RV length of 21ft, however many of the sites can accommodate larger RVs. Each site has a concrete picnic table and a fire ring with cooking grate. Animal proof food storage boxes are located close site 4 and 15. It's always first come first served. No Reservations |
Campground Map |
only accessible site in the campground |
The best sites in Loop A are 1, 3, 5, 8 and A are 1, 3, 5, 8 and 11. All have large camping/tent areas and spce for larger RVs. |
Drinking water and registration |
Paths leading across Loop A to the rest room and registration are paved. |
Driving Through Loop A |
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